Monday, February 11, 2008

Buy Now!

With all the bad media hype about the real estate market it is no wonder sales have dropped. Today's market is not as bad as the news media is making it out to be. Remember the market is all relative to the area. The Georgia real estate market has not changed as drastically as the media would like us to think. The only thing that has changed is who has the upper hand. We have switched from a Seller's market to a Buyer's market. If you are thinking about buying a home, today is a great day to buy. Not only do you have nearly 100,000 homes on the market, interest rates are low and Seller's are giving away incentives that will make your mouth water. Remember a year ago when Builder's would not budge on price and every thing was an upgrade? They have turned the other cheek and will practically give the shirt off their backs to get you to buy their home.
Seller's if you don't need to sell, sit tight. Let the builder's sell their inventory. Let the foreclosures sell. Your turn will come back, but you need to be patient.
I plan to make improvements on my house so I will be ready when the market turns around. I may not get my money back, but I will enjoy the upgrades. When I am finally ready to sell, my house is going to shine. My return will show in a fast sale.