Wednesday, February 4, 2009

If You Snooze You Lose, Even in This Market

It's true. There are some great deals out there, but they go quickly. I've noticed Buyers are hesitant to write contracts because they are afraid they may have missed something. If you find a good deal, don't wait. I have had Buyers enter a home, ooh and aah, say they love the home, this is it, this is the one, then turn around and say they want to see some more homes to be sure. After showing them more homes they decide to write a contract only to find out the home of their dreams is under contract. I actually had this happen several times to three different couples over the last few months. The fact is, a good deal is a good deal is a good deal. The good deals don't last just because it is a Buyer's Market. When you find a home, buy it!

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